Friday 29 March 2013

How and why to update applications an iPhone or iPad

Each new notifications appear soon on the App Store icon, store applications devices Apple . No matter if it's iPhone and iPad , and is that applications for these terminals tend to receive improvements, new features, redesigns and options through updates. Therefore, it is really helpful to know the process and the reason for it to take full advantage of the terminals and the applications that are installed on them.

And is that the work does not end when a developer terminates the application creation. There are always tweaks or introduce new features to improve the performance, design or possibilities. This creates new parts of these applications must pass the comprehensive assessment process for publication Apple Store and eventually be available to end users. Hence the importance of notifications and know when an update is ready to install.

The process is really simple. Thus, when an update is available for any of the applications installed on the terminal, a notification appears in the numerical upper right corner of the icon of App Store. By accessing this market, you must go to the Updates tab, showing the list of applications that are pending this process. This is just select the desired download and install the update.

If you choose to upgrade applications one by one, the user has the opportunity to learn about the new features introduced in this version. Something highly recommended to avoid surprises when accessing the updated application and find new features, design, or removal of any option. Just push the button and enter the password update Apple ID, the process is carried out. Something that can be done much faster and practical if the Updates tab is pressed the Update All button in the upper right corner. This avoids go one by one, but also lost the viewing screens new elements introduced in each application.

Thus applications are updated to its latest version. Keep in mind that the update process is downloading data, being in some cases quite heavy packages may reach several MB. Therefore, it makes sense to make the upgrade process through a connection WiFi , preventing bleeding from the data rate. Moreover, this connection can accelerate faster downloading.

With all that the user is assured of having the last more improvements, options and corrections. But the updates are not only related to the functional aspect of the applications. Also important regarding safety and data terminal of the user. And many of these updates, such as WhatsApp for several months , allowing increase security and privacy, trying to ensure that no third party can intercept information or access private data. One more reason to keep track of the issue and consult periodically updates if new versions of applications installed on the terminal.

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